Generation Pins
Are you the child or grandchild of an alumnus?
Each year Lakeland College's alumni office recognizes graduates whose parent(s), grandparent(s) or great grandparent(s) attended Lakeland College.
This includes anyone in the emergency services technology and firefighting training program as well as anyone completing their apprenticeship program at Lakeland College.
If you have questions, please email
Every alumni generation pin recipient is recognized during their convocation ceremony.
Lakeland vice-president Georgina Altman (left) presents Braelene Barlow (right) with her pin during the 2017 Lloydminster convocation. Braelene's grandmother Inez Curtis also graduated from Lakeland.
Photos of the new alum with their generations is traditionally part of convocation.
Christine Brown (centre) is joined by her grandmother Lenore Brown and her mother Darla (right) outside of Alumni House after her convocation.