Lakeland College Library subscribes to a diverse range of databases to support students and staff in learning and doing research.
Unless noted otherwise, access to these databases is limited to Lakeland College IP addresses. In other words a computer on the college network. If you are using a Lakeland College computer you should be able to use the databases.
If you are working from anywhere else, including the college's Wi-Fi network, you'll need to login to the databases using your library barcode number and PIN.
Lakeland College library barcode numbers and PINs are provided to authorized individuals including students, staff and faculty. This includes online students.
See our alphabetical list of databases. If you need help choosing the best database(s) for your area of study, please contact one of our librarians.
Conditions of Use
These databases can only be used by members of the Lakeland College community as well as anyone using either library's physical facilities.
You are responsible to ensure that your use is only:
- individual
- non-commercial
- educational
- research
As well, don't systematically download or retain substantial portions of information.