Student Life
Campus services and facilities for students
Where you eat, have fun, study and park your vehicle are all part of campus life services and facilities.
We're here to help you:
- connect to Wi-Fi
- if you're locked out
- by advocating for you through the students' association
- go play or watch sports in our gyms
- talk to a counsellor
- connect to potential jobs
- have a gown at convocation
- find the right clothes for a Canadian winter
Check out all of the facilities and services through these links.
Get Connected
Be a Rustler, or cheer on our teams. Join a club. Check out Students' Association events.
Housing and FoodLearn about our campus residences and cafeterias.
Health and Wellness
Career ServicesJob postings for all types of work — summer and full-time jobs in all of the industries where our grads work. Plus job fairs and more.
International Students
What's it like to live in Canada? What kinds of coats do you need in the winter? Get involved on campus. Find out more.
ConvocationWhile you need to apply to graduate in My Lakeland, almost everything else you need to know can be found on our convocation pages. For example, will you be a generational Lakeland alumnus? Be recognized.