Helping new generations navigate online learning in childcare

Amanda Speight’s goal-setting and time-management skills are exceptional.
The Class of 2022 alumna completed Lakeland College’s early childhood education (ECE) program while working full-time in childcare and raising her two children. Now, Speight is guiding others through the process.
Originally from New Brunswick, she moved with her family to Kitscoty, Alta., in 2014. Her husband did fly-in work in the area for five years. Speight was a stay-at-home mom at first, and when her second child went to school in 2018, she decided to return to the workforce.
“I’ve always taken care of children in one capacity or another,” she says. “Whether babysitting, taking care of my own children, or taking care of other children in my home.
"I love working with children because they’re always experiencing something new. They look at things from a different angle that you or I wouldn’t because we’ve already had those experiences. I get to experience things with the children through fresh eyes and it’s amazing. It’s what draws me in every single time.”
Speight decided she’d rather work outside of her home and joined Kitscoty Community Cabin 4 Kids, working casually over the summer of 2019. That fall she went full time and decided to enrol in Lakeland’s ECE online program.
“I really enjoyed the program,” Speight explained. “It was really informative with tons of up-to-date information. All the instructors were willing to explain if I needed extra information to complete an assignment. They were very approachable.”
While Speight worked full time, raised her family, and completed her schooling all at the same, she also transitioned to a supervisory role at the daycare. She became the executive director at Community Cabin in May 2022 before graduating with her ECE diploma that June.
Now, Speight applies the new information she learned at Lakeland to her work with the children everyday.
“I look at situations differently now,” she says. “For example, if there is a child who wants to do a specific task but may not be able to because of developmental needs, the courses gave me the education I need to be able to think outside the box, to be able to plan activities to meet the needs of the children.”
Speight completed her practicum requirements for the program at the Community Cabin and has supervised other practicum students as well. Some have been hired permanently at the daycare.
As they bring new staff onboard who are interested in further education, Speight encourages them to enrol in Lakeland's program, using her own experience to help them through the process.
“We have two students working with us currently who have enrolled in the online program. I feel like I can give them an accurate (account) of what to expect and how to navigate through the course because I’ve been through it,” Speight explains. “By having taken the program and now being in this position, I get to help other educators get their education and support them that way. It’s fantastic because Lakeland is local – it’s right there.”
Photo: Speight at work at the Community Cabin interacting with children.