Human Services
Animal Assisted Wellness Courses
Program Length
Varies/30 credits
Below is the list of the required courses and their descriptions. Online courses are delivered over 3 semesters each year.
To find the academic schedules and more information on application and registration dates, go to the important dates page.
Online course information
Once you've been accepted into the program you will receive information about upcoming courses. This will be available approximately 1 month before the start of class.
You'll be able to register for specific courses on the registration opening date. Please work with the academic advisor to plan what you want to take.
Contact the human services academic advisor if you need help setting up a program plan:
- by email at
- We recommend you start with YC 218 Animal Assisted Interventions.
- We recommend you limit registration to 2 courses if you are also working.
- Please check the course descriptions for pre and co-requisites.
- You must have successfully completed or be in the process of completing 9 AAW courses to register for HS 299 Clinical Experience.
Required courses
AN 216 Animal Human Bond - 3 credits |
The human animal bond is an essential component of utilizing animals in a variety of settings. This course covers the history of the human animal bond, the physiological and psychological components of the human animal bond, and the benefits the human animal bond provides to both humans and animals. As well, an understanding of animal welfare and ethical considerations involved when animals are partnered with people is covered. Pre/co-requisites: None |
AN 217 Animal Behaviour & Handling - 3 credits |
This course covers the normal development of behaviour and how animals learn new behaviours. Recognition of different breeds of animals and their differing characteristics is also discussed. As well, the content covers the correct animal handling strategies that should be used when working with both small and large animals. Pre/co-requisites: None |
AN 219 Animal Wellness and Treatment - 3 credits |
Individuals who work with animals should have a basic understanding of the health issues that can occur. This course covers common diseases in dogs, cats, rabbits, alpacas, donkeys and horses for the Animal Assisted Wellness student. The emphasis is on prevention of disease and disease transmission, as well as an understanding of diseases which are contagious to other animals, or potentially humans. The course also discusses the husbandry needs of the above species, including an overview of nutrition. Pre/co-requisites: None |
AN 223 Integration of Animals into Settings - 3 credits |
This course provides an in-depth understanding of how to ethically and effectively integrate animals into 3 different types of settings. The 3 settings include: 1. Working as a mental health therapist with animals in an office setting, 2. Working in an educational setting and 3. Working in rehabilitation centres/facilities. Prerequisite: LA 247. Co-requisites: None |
AN 224 Animals in Practice - 3 credits |
This course provides detailed information about the many ways animals are currently being partnered with people to help them. Also about the animals' proper titles depending on the type of work they are doing. The common species of animals typically partnered with in AAI are discussed as well as details about their language and behaviour and things you are expected to know if partnering with them in your work. How to choose a wellness or intervention animal is discussed as well as the process of having it screened and certified to work with you. The general ethics of handling animals in practice are addressed. Pre/co-requisites: None |
HS 242 Intercultural Competencies - 3 credits |
This course is designed to develop interpersonal and intercultural awareness, attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Students explore their own worldviews and assumptions with the goal of reducing bias, fostering awareness and inclusivity, and promoting advocacy. The course offers students an opportunity to examine different ways of knowing, communicating, and navigating conflicts while building interpersonal and intercultural relationship skills. Pre/corequisites: None |
HS 299 Clinical Experience - 3 credits |
It's your responsibility to meet all the requirements set out by the practicum agencies. This includes immunization, criminal record checks, or vulnerable sector checks before you start your practicum. Prerequisites: none. Corequisites: Students must have completed or be in the process of successfully completing 9 courses including AN223 with an overall GPA of 2.0 or greater. |
LA 247 Law & Ethics of Animal Assisted Interventions - 3 credits |
This course provides an in-depth understanding of the current laws and ethics of Animal Assisted Interventions (AAIs) necessary for best practices in AAI. Animal assisted practitioners require a thorough understanding of the laws, ethical standards and requirements necessary to ensure safe and ethical human-animal therapeutic interactions. Prerequisite: YC 218. Co-requisites: None |
YC 203 Counselling Techniques - 3 credits |
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the helping/counselling profession through the use of lectures, readings, class discussions and experiential activities. The focus is on developing and enhancing the necessary skills to interview individuals on a one-to-one basis. The course also focuses on the helping process, stages of counselling, basic counselling skills, counselling theories, practical application of theory, ethical issues, values, caregiver stress, burnout and self-care. Students explore their own values and beliefs and how these impact the helping relationship. Pre & co-requisites for this course are not applicable for the Animal Assisted Wellness (AAW) program. |
YC 218 Animal Assisted Interventions - 3 credits |
Animal Assisted Interventions is a unique and growing field in working with Children, youth, and families. This course explores why/how qualified practitioners partnering with animals can be such an effective helping modality. An overview of the different ways animals can partner with practitioners to help people is provided. Students should take this course to gain a better understanding of the human - animal bond and the potential benefits of partnering with animals in practice. Pre/co-requisites: None |