Human Services
Community Mental Health Courses
Program Length
Varies/30 credits
Below is the list of required courses and their descriptions. Online courses are delivered over 3 semesters each year.
To find the academic schedules and more information on application and registration dates, go to the important dates page.
Online course information
Once you've been accepted into the program you will receive information about upcoming courses. This will be available approximately 1 month before the start of class.
You'll be able to register for specific courses on the registration opening date. Please work with the academic advisor to plan what you want to take.
Contact the human services academic advisor if you need help setting up a program plan:
- by email at
- We recommend you limit registration to 2 courses if you are also working.
- Please check the course descriptions for pre and co-requisites.
Required Courses
MH 200 Introduction to Mental Health - 3 credits |
This introductory course addresses the basic Canadian mental health system. It provides the student the knowledge and skill set to identify mental illness at a basic level. This course examines the relationship between current and past theories and practices. As such, this course examines contemporary debates about poverty, inequality, marginalization, empowerment, homelessness, work related mental illness, substance abuse, sexuality and the role of the mental health practitioner. Pre/co-requisites: None |
MH 201 Infant & Toddler Mental Health - 3 credits |
This course is designed to provide a foundation in the concepts and theories related to supporting infant/toddler mental health. This course explores infant/toddler mental health with a special focus on attachment theory. Students have the opportunity to learn specific strategies to promote healthy families in relation to supporting infant/toddler social emotional development. Prerequisite: SS 245. Co-requisites: None |
MH 202 Concurrent Disorders - 3 credits |
This course provides students with the skill set to identify signs and symptoms associated with addiction and mental health disorders. It also provides the students the knowledge in accessing supportive recovery and treatment options. Students gain an understanding of mental health and addictions prevention and health promotion best practices. Pre/co-requisites: None |
MH 203 Understanding Trauma - 3 credits |
This course is an introduction to many different forms of psychological trauma. It includes symptomology, long term and short term effects along with treatment options. It also explains in detail the trauma-informed model. Pre/co-requisites: None |
MH 204 Alternative Therapies - 3 credits |
This course examines complementary and alternative therapies for mental health practitioners. Students gain an understanding of alternative therapies that focus on an alternative and complimentary route to mental health healing. They also examine the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative therapies as a form of treatment. The main areas of exploration include transpersonal theory, massage therapy, reflexology, music therapy, animal assisted activities, acupuncture body, traditional indigenous healing practices, mindfulness, and meditations, emerging alternative therapies, collaboration with mainstream healthcare.Pre/co-requisites: None |
MH 205 Families & Community - 3 credits |
This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge of factors influencing mental health in the family and the role of community. The focus of this course is to understand the complexity and diversity in families who must negotiate several factors that can impact the family member who has a mental illness. Other topics include assisting families to find strength and build resilience while navigating the mental health system and community resources. Pre/co-requisites: None |
MH 206 Pharmacology - 3 credits |
This class explores the pharmacological therapies that are used for treating mental disorders. Currently, this is the most popular method of relieving symptoms for mental illness. However, oppositions are emerging, and our exploration of mental health continues to evolve. Pre/co-requisites: None |
MH 220 CMH Field Placement - 3 credits |
This is the final field placement for Community Mental Health students. Emphasis is placed on students working directly with vulnerable people who have mental illness, and their families. Students have the opportunity to observe, plan, implement and evaluate programming for facilitating change and supporting clients. Pre/co-requisites: None |
YC 200 Ethics and Law - 3 credits |
This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to Ethics. It looks at the historical background, moral development, ethics and law, critical thinking, client rights, and the ethical decision making process and tools. Students engage in self-reflection as they examine their personal and professional values. Students are given the opportunity to utilize the course information by working through case studies. In addition, the professional Code of Ethics is examined. Pre & co-requisites for this course are not applicable for the Community Mental Health program. |
YC 203 Counselling Techniques - 3 credits |
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the helping/counselling profession through the use of lectures, readings, class discussions and experiential activities. The focus is on developing and enhancing the necessary skills to interview individuals on a one-to-one basis. The course also focuses on the helping process, stages of counselling, basic counselling skills, counselling theories, practical application of theory, ethical issues, values, caregiver stress, burnout and self-care. Students explore their own values and beliefs and how these impact the helping relationship. Pre & co-requisites for this course are not applicable for the Community Mental Health program. |
About practicums
You need a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) to be eligible for your practicum/field placement.
You must have completed or in the process of successfully completing:
- 9 Community Mental Health (CMH) courses