You can request an exam online through our continuing education platform.
Once you have submitted the online application, our office will contact you within 3 business days to schedule your exam. Please do not submit an online application unless you will be ready to write the exam within 8 weeks.
Please plan ahead, as all exams are booked a minimum of 15 business days in advance pending availability. In the busy spring season our exam seats fill up very quickly and the wait to write may be longer. The proctor locations are Vermilion, Olds, Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Medicine Hat, Fort McMurry and Lethbridge.
Important Note: The Structural and Seed Treatment manuals and exams were updated June 1, 2023. Between June 1 and August 31 you can still write the old exams, based on previously purchased materials. As of September 1, 2023 you will only be able to write the new exams.
Home study material order form |
Before you write the exam, you complete an online homestudy course for a particular applicator class or classes. See the complete list of homestudy courses.
You can order homestudy package on our online continuing education portal. Please note: We work on a 15-business day minimum turnaround time on all applications. |
About exams |
What you need to know:
Alberta Environment forms and resources |
All of Alberta Environment's pesticide applicator related forms are available on the pesticide management application forms page. Those forms include:
Authorized assistant training checklist: The training checklist must be completed with supervising certified applicators: Prior to any pesticide application; whenever the pesticide, application equipment or use location changes; and at least yearly afterwards. The training checklist is also available in the Environmental Code of Practice for Pesticides. Additional Resources (for information only):
Proctor site locations and information |
All Pesticides exams are booked by registering online using our continuing education platform. You will then be contacted to select an exam date and location. The links below are to proctored centres you may write our exams at. Please don't contact the proctor directly, all communication regarding the exam must be through the Pesticide office.