Learning in Action: Agricultural Science
This could be you.
- monitoring anesthesia during surgery in our Animal Health Clinic
- running a cow horse sale in the Equine Centre
- gathering data for a beef genetics project
- weighing a newborn calf at 2 am
- combining canola with the most up-to-date New Holland equipment
- mixing feed ratios for the dairy herd
- handling exotic pets during a field trip
- presenting your best case in a provincial agribusiness competition
- pursuing the sweet spot between production and sustainability
At Lakeland, your opportunities to learn outside of the classroom aren’t out of the ordinary. Our student-managed and student-led models are our trademark.
And, our promise. You’ll encounter the real world here. Make decisions that matter. Learn how to lead or pull your weight on an effective team. Try new technologies. Move out of your comfort zone. Learn. Grow.
Our facilities are top notch. And we continue to update and build. Our newest addition is the Agricultural Technology Centre.
Add in the:
- Animal Health Clinic
- Equine Centre
- Dairy Learning Centre
- GN Sweet Livestock Research Centre]
Our Student-Managed Farm – Powered by New Holland (SMF) includes:
- over 3,700 acres of crop and pastureland
- 4 cattle herds- dairy, purebred Angus, commercial and research
Since the student-managed concept’s birth here in 1990, the synergies of dedicated staff and committed students have:
- expanded beyond crops to a variety of livestock teams
- spawned student-led initiatives in animal health
- earned provincial animal care and milk quality awards
- created the first college Environmental Farm Plan
- extended agribusiness activities into events and retail activities
- evolved programming to the equine major as well as an ag technology degree
- established a sale and information day now known as The Round-up
Those are just a handful of examples showing our innovation and excellence. There’s a place for you to add to that list.